


  A ruthless corporate raider on the verge of making partner at his NYC private equity firm, is forced to return to his small town roots where he suddenly inherits his father's nearly bankrupt pencil factory, which is the heart and soul of the depressed community. With the foreclosure deadline looming, he must decide to either join the community's fight to save the factory, or let it close and relocate to China.



倚天屠龙记之九阳神功和圣火雄风 | 捍卫者联盟 | 无限挑战121208 | 完美世界动漫免费全集观看 | 黑鹰计划 | 奇门遁甲2电影在线播放免费观看 | 作家的谎言在线观看完整版 | 仙王的日常 | 简.爱 | yes or no2完整版 | 拳王国语 | 娘惹电视剧全集土豆网 | 花儿与少年直播 | 小丑2019在线观看 | 追爱电影高清完整版 | 源代码 高清 | 大唐荣耀在线观看 | 天亮分手 | 爱情公寓1发布会完整版 | 叶落长安在线观看 | 菠萝蜜免费观看视频 | 夺命金粤语 | 反贪风暴 | 班会日剧 | 好久不见电视剧

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